We are more than one person. more than one product. more than one promise. UNICYCIVE.

“UNICYCIVE was built to deliver game-changing solutions that make the biggest impact for the most underserved patients on the planet.“
Shalabh Gupta, Chief Executive Officer

We have the passion and expertise to address major global health issues with pressing unmet medical needs, including kidney diseases and beyond.

Our meticulously designed biotech system and end-to-end mining process allow us to deliver disease-modifying therapies quickly and efficiently.

uNIque opportunity.
We’re committed to keeping shareholders and potential investors up to date with news and other relevant information as we progress in our mission.
We believe the mitochondria is positioned to be a critical player in various diseases including acute kidney injury/impairment (AKI).

Oxylanthanum Carbonate (olc)
Using proprietary nanoparticle technology, OLC is showing therapeutic promise in hyperphosphatemia.
*Oxylanthanum Carbonate (OLC) is an unapproved investigational new drug being developed under FDA’s 505(b)(2) regulatory procedure. If approved, OLC will share substantially the same product label and prescribing information as the reference-listed drug Fosrenol® (lanthanum carbonate), with the exception that OLC tablets are smaller in size and swallowed whole with water and not chewed.
Patient Resources
Our primary purpose is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and their caregivers. The following organizations provide information, guidance, and support to help navigate renal diseases.